
Step ONE:
Well, scientists, it's time to get down to business! In your investigative teams of 2-3 scientists, your first job will be to collect data about two Georgia Habitats of your choice. Once you have thouroughly reviewed the features and creatures of each habitat, you will complete a digital venn diagram that compares and contrasts the habitats you chose.

Here is a list of websites to help you with completing the digital venn diagram:
Step TWO:
Once you have become a habitat expert, you will start your hunt for a new Georgia species! You will discover this new species and how it adapts to each of your habitats. Using a Power Point Presentation or or Xtranormal Video, you will create a presentation that shows a picture and answers the following questions about your new species:
  1. What is the name of your new animal?
  2. In what 2 GA habitats can your species be found?
  3. To what class and species does your animal belong?
  4. What adaptations does your animal have that allow it to survive in each of your GA habitats?
  5. What sort of food and shelter does your animal use in each of your GA habitats?
Last, you will share your findings with your fellow scientists at the "Third Grade Convention for New GA Species" held in our classroom on __________________, 2011.